Tag Archives: Gifts

Things I love Thursday

The weather around here has been terrible today; like tornadoes, flooding, and apocalyptic rain terrible. But it seems to be slowly coming to a stop, it’s almost Friday,  and I have lots of pretty things to share with you this week. So here we go:
I love this! It’s so freaking cute. I found it while poking around on Etsy. I’m not actually sure it would be useful for me; I’m not someone who will continually remember to re-fill-out the calendar every month, but I still think it’s super adorable. And if you are that organized more power to you.

To continue with our chalkboard theme; I found these crazy cute garden signs at Crate and Barrel. It I ever have an herb garden, I will totally have these.
Source (Anthropologie=Love)
I love this egg plate. I do not love deviled eggs. The plate reminds me of these old Christmas ornaments we made out of hollowed out egg shells like a hundred years ago. That really makes me smile.
 I’m longing for long sunny summer days. And margaritas. That’s all. 

Presents from my Mommy


 I went home this weekend for my Dad’s birthday. While I was there my Mom surprised me with a bag full of gifts. She got me replacement straws for my tervis tumbler (Thanks LittleBrother) and two cookbooks. One is all cupcakes; people who know me know I am cupcake obsessed. The other is all sorts of other desserts that start with mixes. I’ve read the Cupcake one cover to cover twice already, I’ll get into the other one later this week. My final gift was the “Perfect Brownie Pan:” (See ad below)

That’s right, I am the proud owner of one of these suckers. Actually, I’m pretty sure it’s knock-off but I’m still super excited and I will probably make brownies tomorrow just to test it out. =).
I also did a fun paper mache crafting project today. It was a lot of fun and I’ll definitely have pictures later.
Smiles. =)